- Elementary Domain
- When Unwelt Melts
- Individual Synaesthesia
- Helical Scenery
- Help Ourselves
- Be Born
- First Breathing At Last
- Beginning
1999年に活動を開始した、杉本佳一、 安永哲郎、岩下裕一郎、笹本美奈子によるエレクトロ・アコースティックカルテッド、ミナモの新作。
“Durée, their last studio work since 2007’s collaboration with Tape, and their follow-up to Shining on 12k (12k1031, now out of print), takes influence from the French philosopher Henri-Louis Bergson’s concept of “pure durée,” an idea that one’s consciousness is a constant flow and not something that can be divided, reversed, or measured. Minamo used these ideas in creating their music, despite the contradiction of the time-stamped CD format, to try to subvert the ideas of compartmentalized “time” and “space.” With a strong sense of non-linearity and flow taken from Bergson’s ideas, Minamo have created a colorful, skittering wash of music, noise, and texture that embraces a sense of out-there-ness.”
Catalog No.:12k1058
Release:January 12, 2010
minamo are
Keiichi Sugimoto
Yuichiro Iwashita
Namiko Sasamoto
Tetsuro Yasunaga
recorded on 29 July 2008 & 16 September 2008
mixed by Keiichi Sugimoto
mastering by Taylor Deupree